
A Computer Science graduate, currently working towards an MSc Data Analytics with the University of Glasgow. I'm passionate about using data to solve problems and draw actionable insights, and enjoy building useful and user-friendly tools that deliver meaningful impact.

Example Projects

Robin singing

Bayesian Change-Point Analysis

Using Bayesian statistics to identify possible change points in a mining disasters dataset

Robin singing

R-Shiny Weather App

A Shiny dashboard comparing weather at sites in the UK in 2022, including Hutton criteria for blight risk

Screenshot from game

Stats Vs Zombies HTML5 Game

A simple platform game written using Phaser3 JavaScript library, aimed at making statistics revision fun!

Robin singing

Bird Listener Web App

A Node.js flashcard game for learning and practising the songs and calls of UK birds.

Graph showing local and global optima

Simulated Annealing Algorithm

A Java program that implements Simulated Annealing to generate a ranking of tournament participants.

Rush hour game example puzzle

Rush Hour Puzzle Game A* Solver

An A* solver for the Rush Hour Puzzle Game, written in Java. Find the shortest route to the goal.

DFA diagram

DFA Equivalence

A Python tool, to determine whether Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs) are mathematically equivalent.

Example bar graph from project

Regression Analysis with Python

A Jupyter Notebook project, using a dataset of health indicators to build a linear regression model.


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